Monday, May 2, 2011

John Franklin
Professor Sledd
English 1102 The Bleeding Pen TR 4-5:15
The oldest living resident of Bon Temps, Louisiana has returned to stay. William Erasmus Compton has come back to his roots in order to settle down for the rest of his “life”. William, or Bill as he is commonly known, was born in the town of Bon Temps on April 9, 1840. Marrying young, as was the custom of this time, he had a wife with three children before the Civil War reached Louisiana. Being a true Southern gentleman, Bill left his family in order to fight for the South in the War of Northern Aggression.

Shortly after the war, on his journey home, he encountered Lorena, a seemingly normal woman, on November 20, 1868. She provided him with assistance so that he may complete his journey back to his family. Unbeknownst to Bill, Lorena had a darker motive and before the night was over she had begun to turn him into a vampire.

The process of becoming a vampire takes several days including draining mass blood, replacing with some of the makers, then burying the victim until their heart stops beating, which is when they awaken as a vampire.
Because he was turned into a vampire he was unable to return to his family from what he was told, which led them to think he was dead. After much wandering with Lorena, he finally left her in the 1920s because he was tired of her cruelty and truly evil ways.

Falling off the map for many years, he resurfaced in the 21st century after re-inhabiting his old family’s house in Bon Temps. This being after Trueblood was created, and the vampires existence being public knowledge. Allowing the residents to know what he really was; he became almost the Charlie Sheen of the town, being popular but feared at the same time.

He becomes accepted after befriending Sookie Stackhouse, a local waitress at the town bar, Merlotte’s. Most things get easier for Bill, however he is constantly under fire from people trying to steal his blood, or kill him permanently.

After several months of being in the public eye, Lorena discovers Bill and tries to bring him back, however there is more than meets the eye, as she is working for Russell, the King of Mississippi. This causes many issues for everyone, especially Sookie who is trying to rescue Bill.

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