Van Helsing is a world renowned name associated with vampires, specifically vampire hunting. Originally, Van Helsing did not seek to murder vampires, but his profession led him to eventually kill certain vampires. He studied and practiced medicine, but also explored the supernatural lifeforms of Earth.
Due to Van Helsing's extensive knowledge of the supernatural and of medicine, he was asked to examine victims of strange attacks: where the dead victims would have no blood, live victims would feel drained, and both types of victims owning the two strange marks on their necks. The doctor knew this was the evil-doing of a vampire and was prepared to eliminate the vampire and save what victims were alive.
Dracula and Van Helsing met in a fateful encounter, in which Dracula unwittingly divulged signs of a vampire. Van Helsing immediately spotted the signs and confronted the vampire. In their one versus one dispute, Dracula attempted to gain control of Van Helsing through vampire mind tricks. Van Helsing's strong will enabled him to sustain his own state of mind, a feat very few people have accomplished. As the vampire started to retreat, he compared Van Helsing's knowledge to that of a vampire. The battle between Dracula and the humans had begun.
As night fell, Van Helsing prepared his base with vampire wards. Despite the doctor's efforts, the loyalty of Dracula's victim shone through and let the vampire in. Dracula knew he could not face Van Helsing because day was about to break. Dracula took his victim and fled to his coffin filled with the soil of his land. Van Helsing, with the aid of others, tried to follow Dracula, but lost the trail. Just as they lost the trail, one of Dracula's ghouls stupidly revealed the location of Dracula's hideout. Van Helsing entered and found the coffin of Dracula. Sound asleep, Van Helsing opened the coffin and drove a stake through the heart of the vampire.
Dracula was finally dead and all of his still living victims were returned to their human state. Based off of Van Helsing's actions, he was very familiar with vampires and their weaknesses. Dracula does not seem to be Van Helsing's first experience with a vampire. With this in mind, Dracula may or may not have been Van Helsing's first vampire kill; and Dracula might not be Van Helsing's last vampire kill either.
Mark Watola
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